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Welcome to the Cat's Planet! |
Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullah, Mew da Vinci Official friends who are really really love cats, plus addicted with online or offline games. It has a week that I have fun by playing the game "Naughty Kitties".
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Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullah, sahabat Mew da Vinci Official yang sangat menyayangi kucing sekaligus penikmat online games maupun offline. Sudah semingguan ini saya keasyikan main game "Naughty Kitties". |
We can easily guess the main character of game "Naughty Kitties" is kittens, only by reading the name of the game or probably by seeing the Home Screen.
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Jangankan dari nama game-nya, dari Home Screen-nya pun sudah bisa ditebak bahwa game "Naughty Kitties" menggunakan kucing sebagai karakter utama. |
In the first time I found the game "Naughty Kitties", I doubt the excitement of this game, because based on my previous experiences of playing a number of games, which dare to serve them with the adorable characters but make the device running slow and consume a lot of internet quotas when playing. Even usually too often forcing their users to buy the game attributes. For example, Cooking Mama, LINE: Get Rich, Hayday, The Sims, and Age of Empire.
*** Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia ***
Awalnya, saya menyangsikan keseruan game "Naughty Kitties" ini, karena pengalaman terdahulu memainkan sejumlah games yang menyajikan karakter menggemaskan, akan tetapi memberati device dan mengonsumsi banyak kuota internet ketika dimainkan. Bahkan, acapkali terlalu memaksa user untuk membeli atribut game tersebut. Contohnya, Cooking Mama, LINE : Get Rich, Hayday, The Sims, dan Age of Empire. |
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Shoot them all, my kitties! |
However, after repeatedly noticed the preview images of the game "Naughty Kitties", finally I decided to install the game, also started to play. And I really have fun with the game "Naughty Kitties". Please make a note that I did not play Naughty Kitties game all day long because I can still control myself hehe...
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Namun, setelah beberapa kali mengamati images preview game "Naughty Kitties", akhirnya saya install juga. Dan, saya mainkan sampai keasyikan, tapi bukan kecanduan ya, hehe... |
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Ngomong-ngomong... |
What Is The Best Point Of Naughty Kitties?
My highest level in game Naughty Kitties, when this article is published, reach Level 11. And the spaceship that I use is Pretty Gill Level 5. From 6 types of the spaceships, I want to buy Master Roshi and Kitty Stark spaceships. The shape of Master Roshi spaceship is like a turtle.
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Apa Sieh Yang Menarik Dari Naughty Kitties?Level tertinggi saya ketika artikel "Naughty Kitties" ini dipublikasikan mencapai Level 11. Spaceship yang saya gunakan adalah Pretty Gill Level 5. Dari 6 jenis pesawat tempur luar angkasa, saya sedang mengincar spaceship Master Roshi dan Kitty Stark. Master Roshi adalah pesawat tempur luar angkasa berbentuk kura-kura. |
Overall I give a good rate for the game "Naughty Kitties", that is 7.5 of 9 stars.
*** Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia ***
Penilaian game "Naughty Kitties" secara keseluruhan adalah 7.5 dari 9 bintang. |
I love... the visualization of the cats characters. Their weapons. Their cute cats poses when they are available. The moment when feed the cats. When I see them fly with a balloon from the spaceship. The spirits of cats when shoot the jellyfish aliens, "DA DA DA... WHOOSH... BOOM!"
*** Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia ***
Saya paling suka dengan... Visualisasi kucingnya. Senjata mereka. Pose-pose kucing saat available. Moment saat ngasih makan kucing. Saat melihat mereka terbang dengan balon dari spaceship. Semangat para kucing menembaki para alien ubur-ubur, "DADADA... WHOOSH... BOOM!" |
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Cats love canned fish |
And the best thing is the sound of each cat when meowing. There are many interesting sounds such as miaw, meow, nyauw, miu, ... Awww... I am falling in love with the game "Naughty Kitties".
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Dan yang paling keren adalah suara tiap kucing saat mengeong. Ada yang bunyinya miaw, meong, nyauw, miu, ... Awww... Jatuh cinta deh sama Naughty Kitties. |
The Cat Characters In Game "Naughty Kitties"
There are 15 cat characters with different abilities.
*** Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia ***
Karakter Kucing Naughty KittiesTerdapat 15 karakter kucing dengan kemampuan berbeda-beda. |
There is the female cat pink which her beauty dazzling other cats, so every time she blinked then the other cats energy will increase. Then, the cat have the ability to repair the spaceship's. Actually, he is an alpaca, but he believes he is a cat! Next, the black cat who has the ability to blow the toxic smoke from his mouth. And many more.
*** Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia ***
Ada kucing betina berwarna pink yang kecantikannya mempesona kucing-kucing lainnya, sehingga setiap kali dia mengedipkan mata maka energi kucing-kucing akan meningkat. Ada juga kucing yang memiliki kemampuan memperbaiki pesawat ruang angkasa. Sebenarnya, dia adalah seekor alpaca, akan tetapi dia meyakini bahwa dirinya seekor kucing! Selanjutnya, ada kucing hitam yang bisa menyemburkan asap beracun dari mulutnya. Dan masih banyak lagi. |
My favorite cat is Rumpus. The fat cat which is colored gray and white. He has a crest in his hair like Elvis Presley. He likes dance. Wearing a red cloth tied at the neck, as if he is Superman. Plus, in his chest there is a twinkle symbol of the letter "R" means Rumpus. Then, he is also wearing red glasses and had a super power, which can shoot laser from his forehead like the X-Man superhero.
*** Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia ***
Jagoan kucing favorite saya adalah Rumpus. Yaitu kucing gemuk berwarna putih abu-abu. Punya jambul ala Elvis Presley. Suka joget. Memakai kain merah yang diikat di leher, persis Superman. Plus, di dadanya terdapat kelap-kelip simbol huruf "R" yang berarti Rumpus. Lalu, pakai kacamata merah. Dan punya kekuatan super, yaitu dari dahinya bisa keluar laser penghancur seperti superhero X-Man. |
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Some cat characters in the game Naughty Kitties |
My friends, I wanted to share the moment while I am playing game "Naughty Kitties" through a video screen recording. Unfortunately, I need jailbreaker in order to do a screen recording via the iPad 2.
*** Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia ***
Sahabatku, ingin sekali saya share kepada kalian moment saat saya sedang bermain game "Naughty Kitties" melalui video screen recording. Sayangnya, saya butuh jailbreaker agar bisa melakukan screen recording via iPad 2. |
It is okay, because I can still give you screenshots. You can get the game "Naughty Kitties" for free by downloading via Google Play (for Android user) or App Store (for iPhone and iPad user).
*** Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia ***
Tidak apa-apa, karena saya masih bisa screenshot. Kamu bisa ikut bermain game "Naughty Kitties" secara gratis dengan men-download melalui Google Play (untuk pengguna Android) atau App Store (untuk pengguna iPhone dan iPad). |
Okay, then please help me to spread this article on your Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or Google+ accounts, because you like my article.
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Bantu saya sebarkan artikel ini di akun Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, atau Google+ kamu, karena kamu menyukai artikel saya. |
Thank you for reading and see you later to the next articles, only at www.mewdavinci.com. Wassalamu'alaikum!
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Terima kasih telah membaca dan sampai jumpa pada artikel berikutnya, hanya di www.mewdavinci.com. Wassalamu'alaikum! |
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